Property Search

Please select from the following areas that document the usage of our Web Api:

Api Url

To call this Api use the following url:

Api Authorization

You should have been provided an Api key from Estates IT. This will identify you whenever a request is made to the Api. The Api key must be sent in the authorization header for every request that you make. If you do not supply the Api key then you will receive a status code for unauthorized.

.NET Example:

using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
    httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("{{apikey}}");

PHP Example:

$context = stream_context_create(array(

    'http' => array(

        'header' => "Authorization:", {{apikey}}
Api Query Parameters

The Web Api accepts the following http encoded query parameter(s):

Name Format Type Default Comments
Format Integer Mandatory N/A

Defines the resulting format of the data.

Can be one of the following:

Id Type Format
1 PCHomes Xml
  Xml Format Guide |   Schema
2 PCHomes Json
  Json Format Guide
3 Jupix Xml
  Xml Format Guide
4 Jupix Json
  Json Format Guide
5 Expert Agent Xml
  Xml Format Guide
6 Expert Agent Json
  Json Format Guide
7 Vebra Xml
  Xml Format Guide
8 Vebra Json
  Json Format Guide
9 Rightmove RTDF Json
  Json Format Guide |   Addendum
10 Rightmove BLM
  BLM Format Guide
11 Rightmove BLM Extended
  BLM Extended Format Guide
12 Zoopla RTDF Json
  Json Format Guide |   Addendum
13 Kyero Xml
  Xml Format Guide
14 Kyero Json
  Json Format Guide
AreasAddress4 Comma Separated Strings Optional Empty

Defines one or more areas to search for in the properties address area.

AreasAddress5 Comma Separated Strings Optional Empty

Defines one or more areas to search for in the properties address town or city.

AreasAddress6 Comma Separated Strings Optional Empty

Defines one or more areas to search for in the properties address county or region.

BedroomsFrom Integer Optional 0

Defines the number of minimum bedrooms to search for.

BedroomsFromPlus Integer Optional 0

Defines whether to return properties that have a minimum or specific number of bedrooms.

Can be one of the following:

Value Notes
0 Returns properties that have bedroom number equal to BedroomsFrom.
1 Returns properties that have bedroom number greater or equal to BedroomsFrom.
BedroomsTo Integer Optional 0

Defines the number of maximum bedrooms to search for.

BedroomsToPlus Integer Optional 0

(See bedrooms from plus)

CountRecordsOnly Integer Optional 0

Defines whether to return the number of properties found or the property results.

This will normally be required for paging.

Can be one of the following:

Value Notes
0 Returns property information based on the format specified.
1 Returns a single value representing the number of properties that have been found matching the criteria you have specified.
DisplayOrder String Optional Propcode

Defines the sorting order that will be applied to the results.

Can be one of the following:

Value Notes
propcode The property reference.
priceaskd The asking price descending.
priceask The asking price.
postcode The property postcode.
address4 The property address area.
propbedr The property number of bedrooms.
propage The property age.
propertystatus The property status.
tenadate The tenancy availability date.
lastupdated The last update date.
Encoding Integer Optional 1

Defines the encoding that will be used for xml formats only.

Can be one of the following:

Value Notes
1 ISO-8859-1
2 UTF-8
IncludeLettings Integer Optional 0

Defines whether properties marked as lettings are included.

Can be one of the following:

Value Notes
0 Exclude lettings properties.
1 Include lettings properties.
IncludeSales Integer Optional 1

Defines whether properties marked as sales are included.

Can be one of the following:

Value Notes
0 Exclude sales properties.
1 Include sales properties.
Market Integer Optional 0

Defines the type of market for the property.

Can be one of the following:

Value Notes
0 All properties.
1 Residential properties.
2 Commercial properties.
PageNo Integer Optional 1

Defines the required page number for the results (used in combination with the page size).

In order to provide paging support a call to the Web Api will be neccessary setting the CountRecordsOnly property to 1. This will return the number of records that have been found matching the search criteria supplied. It will then be possible to re-call the web service passing in the page number and page size required and setting the value for CountRecordsOnly to 0.

PageSize Integer Optional 100

Defines the number of property records to return for each page (used in combination with the page number).

In order to provide paging support a call to the Web Api will be neccessary setting the CountRecordsOnly property to 1. This will return the number of records that have been found matching the search criteria supplied. It will then be possible to re-call the web service passing in the page number and page size required and setting the value for CountRecordsOnly to 0.

Phototype Character Optional W

Defines the type of photo that will be returned in the results.

Can be one of the following:

Value Notes
W Web
O Original
T Thumbnail
Postcode String Optional Empty

Defines the postcode to search for.

PriceHigh Decimal Optional 0

Defines the maximum asking price to search for.

The price entered will be matched against the currency stored against this property (normally GBP).

The price entered may be sent as a decimal if required.

The price entered will not be relevant if you include both sales and letting properties.

PriceLow Decimal Optional 0

Defines the minimum asking price to search for.

The price entered will be matched against the currency stored against this property (normally GBP).

The price entered may be sent as a decimal if required.

The price entered will not be relevant if you include both sales and letting properties.

PriceType Integer Optional 0

Defines the price type that relates to letting properties.

Can be one of the following:

Value Notes
2 Price returned will be per week.
3 Price returned will be per month.
4 Price returned will be per quarter.
5 Price returned will be per year.
PropertyCode String Optional Empty

Defines the property code to search for.

PropertyType String Optional Empty

Defines the property type to search for i.e. House, Flat, Bungalow.

LastUpdated DateTime Optional Empty

Defines the time that the property was last updated.

Should be the following format:



This would represent 1st June 2019 at 1:30pm.

Api Return Codes

The following return codes can be returned from the Api service:

Code Comments
200 The current request was successful.
204 The current request has not found any content matching the search criteria.
401 The authorization key is invalid.
403 The authorization key not supplied, or forbidden.
404 The current request has returned no content.
Api Examples

The following examples show how to access the Web Api.

.NET Example:

// Build up the api request string for any search parameters required.
var apiUrl = "";

// Create http client.
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
    httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("{{apikey}}");
    var httpResponseMessage = await httpClient.GetAsync(apiUrl);
    var response = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

PHP Example:

// Build up the api request string for any search parameters required.
$api_url = "";

// Create context with the authorisation header.
$context = stream_context_create(array(

    'http' => array(

        'header' => "Authorization:" , {{apikey}}
// Get the contents of the url request.
$result = file_get_contents($api_url, false, $context);
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Use of this software must be in accordance with the Estates IT ™ Limited licence agreement and implies acceptance of the terms stated therein.

Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorised reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil or criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted.

By using the Web API provided by Estates IT you agree to our full list of terms and conditions.